If I can’t share a Curly Wurly then it’s not a revolution.
This all obviously ridiculous but… I grew up with a family that 100% believed in spiritual warfare. My parents were more willing to believe my brother was possessed than to believe he needed psychiatric help. My Dad had the church elders pray over me when I had whooping cough, asking God to cast out the demon that had so obviously latched onto my 10 year old lungs. I regularly saw people at my church who would claim to have seen fantastical things.
Tucker is simply appealing to his base. The mass groups of people who truly believe they are warriors for Christ engaged in a life and death struggle for the soul of the whole world. There are thousands of them and they believe you and I as unbelievers are at best, unwittingly helping the enemy and at worst, willful vessels of the literal devil.
I wouldn’t be shocked if Tucker Carlson 100% believed what he’s saying. The groupthink in those circles is difficult to break out of.
I’ve got no problem with the communists. I like having a part of the internet that isn’t completely commoditised and filled with ads and people trying to sell side hustles. I hate the search function.
I have a $10/hour entertainment budget. If a movie ticket is $15 and I get 1.5 hours of entertainment then it was a good purchase. if I pick up a game for $60 then I expect to get at least 6 hours of fun from it.
Using this measure I’ve decided books provide some of the highest value entertainment and fancy restaurants some of the lowest value entertainment.
But that’s just me.
Totally lawyer brained solution