I’m still 90% convinced it was either invented by the CIA or the NSA for “reasons”. The US military invented the dark web and they even claim to have invented it, so it’s not a far stretch that another US gov. agency invented Bitcoin.
I’m still 90% convinced it was either invented by the CIA or the NSA for “reasons”. The US military invented the dark web and they even claim to have invented it, so it’s not a far stretch that another US gov. agency invented Bitcoin.
If that’s real and in the US that’s age discrimination and you can sue, and easily win, even if they say it’s not your age, but the date of your birthday it still would fall under discrimination based on age.
There’s no way reddit has more “real” users than Twitter // X. Maybe with bots but half the shit on reddit is a Twitter screen cap or repost.
Start reading Kevin Mitnick’s books, get the paper copies not digital, you’ll understand once you’re done reading them. Ghost in the Wire and The Art of Invisibility are my favorites but he wrote a few others about this specific topic.