Well, the freeze that took out power broke the cold records by about ten degrees, during the height of covid. Shouldn’t be that big of a deal.
Well, the freeze that took out power broke the cold records by about ten degrees, during the height of covid. Shouldn’t be that big of a deal.
I fully agree. Small groups have limited resources. But google and facebook have a ton of resources, they can handle more oversight.
That brings up another thing. At what point does it become a “public space”?
Theres an old supreme court case on a company town that claimed someone was trespassing on a sidewalk. The supreme court ruled it was a public space, and thus they could pass out leaflets.
Imo, a lot of big sites have gotten to that stage, and should be treated as such.
Part of the problem is who decides what is misinformation. As soon as the state gets to decide what is and isn’t true, and thus what can and cannot be said, you no longer have free speech.
Yeah they are. Its a css style, it just doesn’t get used much because its stupid and often breaks shit.
Not all migrants are good for the country. Many come with views incompatble with western culture. Stuff like homophobia, transohobia, mysogyny. And they are often brought over as cheap labor, undercutting local labor.
The right to keep and bear arms is an inalienable right. We should be able to carry on all public lands, and other places open to the public.
Tattoos look bad like 90% of the time.
The government is not to be trusted.
Fuck I just jinxed it.
At least in 2021, it was a low of 3 degrees. This weekend it’s a low of 10 degrees, so seven degrees warmer. Plus only a 20% chance of snow.