It is not true in general that verifying output for a science-related prompt requires doing it by hand, where “doing it by hand” means putting in the effort to answer the prompt manually without using AI.
You can get pretty in the weeds with conversions on ChatGPT in the chemistry world or even just basic lab work where a small miscalculation at scale can cost thousands of dollars or invite lawsuits.
I check against actual calibrated equipment as a verification final step.
It is not true in general that verifying output for a science-related prompt requires doing it by hand, where “doing it by hand” means putting in the effort to answer the prompt manually without using AI.
You can get pretty in the weeds with conversions on ChatGPT in the chemistry world or even just basic lab work where a small miscalculation at scale can cost thousands of dollars or invite lawsuits.
I check against actual calibrated equipment as a verification final step.
I said not true in general. I don’t know much about chemistry. It may be more true in chemistry.
Coding is different. In many situations it can be cheap to test or eyeball the output.
Crucially, in nearly any subject, it can give you leads. Nobody expects every lead to pan out. But leads are hard to find.