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“The measles gave you lifetime protection against measles infection,” - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
If only there was another proven way of doing this without the risk of serious complications of getting sick.
If someone threw the dead body of a robber into a store, would you also call that store being robbed?
I get what you mean, but if you read the comment I responded to, it mentions a weakened version of the virus, not a dead one.
Okay, different example. If a country dropped a couple of wounded soldiers without weapons over another country’s territory, would you call that an invasion?
I get what you mean, but yeah, if the soldiers are on duty and haven’t got permission from the other country to enter their land, technically it is an invasion.
Under the current regime I am not sure that .gov can be trusted.
Now, I know the basics of vaccine theory, you expose a host to a weak strain of an infection, their immune response deals with it and learns how to fight the real thing.
That is a very simplistic way of explaining it, I know, but it is accurate for most people.
Anyway, this conversation has clearly devolved far away from the article and my, admittedly, bad, though not completely inaccurate joke.
I am sorry for the bad joke, yes, but the fact is that it is accurate enough for the common man.