Or, hold a trial, and if convicted, we seal him in his bunker and bury it and cut it off from all outside contact. And depending on the severity of his conviction, plugging up every “air hole” could go along as capital punishment. Give him a very twilight zone ending, he wanted to hide in his bunker, and now he’ll spend the rest of his life in it, however long that may be.
What I’m hearing is that after we overthrow the government and Destroy capitalism we have to dig him out of a bunker in Hawaii and put him on trial
Just weld the door closed. Problem solved.
Certainly would be less hassle than a trial.
Don’t forget the air vents
That’s where you pile the poop
Or, hold a trial, and if convicted, we seal him in his bunker and bury it and cut it off from all outside contact. And depending on the severity of his conviction, plugging up every “air hole” could go along as capital punishment. Give him a very twilight zone ending, he wanted to hide in his bunker, and now he’ll spend the rest of his life in it, however long that may be.
Don’t plug them up - fart in them.
I’ve never been to Hawaii, but I’ll show up for that 😎