Eh the idea behind it is benevolent, and it’s certainly a good attempt. I think the problem lies in when administrators try to measure effectiveness of any given program, which they do via metrics, which inevitably become quotas for something so subjective to quantify, and then the entire intent behind the program(s) become a required number to hit. It’s such a difficult thing to measure, and eventually you will have overzealous managers making boneheaded hiring/promotion decisions to show their “inclusiveness,” ultimately to further their own careers. But, again, it is necessary to promote these ideals within the government, at least so people just look at each other as people, so I dunno. It’s a sticky topic.
Eh the idea behind it is benevolent, and it’s certainly a good attempt. I think the problem lies in when administrators try to measure effectiveness of any given program, which they do via metrics, which inevitably become quotas for something so subjective to quantify, and then the entire intent behind the program(s) become a required number to hit. It’s such a difficult thing to measure, and eventually you will have overzealous managers making boneheaded hiring/promotion decisions to show their “inclusiveness,” ultimately to further their own careers. But, again, it is necessary to promote these ideals within the government, at least so people just look at each other as people, so I dunno. It’s a sticky topic.
I don’t doubt their heart is in the right place but the road to hell is paved with good intentions.