I’m the human of a cat named Piccolo, because when he was a kitten, he meowed like a little flute.
Our naming convention was comic strip characters, hence Hobbes, Casper, and Quincy.
While trying to come up with a name for our previous cat I kept getting shot down by my wife. “Nah…nah…” One day we were walking through the supermarket and she asked again and I facetiously looked around and saw a sign in the produce section and said, “How about Kiwi?” We both realized that we liked it. lol
Adopted our furball from a foster family after their original owners couldn’t keep him. We liked the name and kept it.
I don’t actually know! Her microchip says her name is Shirley, but I tried two phone numbers and a physical address and never got in touch with her previous owner. I had been workshopping names for a while but I figure she prefers that one, so she’s still Shirley.
Dodo. She makes SO MANY BISCUITS, all the time (hence the ‘Dough’) She’s like a little soldier marching around on my bed.
She will also poop down to get pets and it’s sooo cute:
Rub that belly!
This is an amazing thread to collect answers to people’s security questions, thanks!
Hahaha, I like how you think and I’d like to know more about you. For instance what is your mother’s maiden name?
I named my gerbil Smith because it’s my mother’s maiden name. Let me introduce you to my rabbit, 329-06-2789. I named him that so I wouldn’t forget my social security number.
He was the fiercest puppy, so he became Ares. Except now he’s just eepy and very silly.
My partner named our cat Lana because he wanted to be able to scream “LAANAAA!” like Archer
I knew a professor who named his dog “Sweety” just to annoy his wife because he called her that also.
poor cat
She doesn’t mind. She meows in reply or comes running when he does it, and he doesn’t do it very often.
And what happens to be the story behind your mother’s maiden name?
Do you have any fun mnemonics for remembering your SSN? :D
We have two guinea pigs.
Very often, guinea pigs are named after food. Our two rescues came with food names. However, everything eats guinea pigs and I feel it’s wrong to name them after food. We changed their names.
We named them after two characters from Downton Abbey: Daisy and Rose. Plants are the only living things that fear guinea pigs, so they are nice, powerful names for them.
Daisy in the background, Rose in front.
Our cat Sybil was also named after Downton Abbey! If you’ve ever seen the show Keeping Up Appearances, two of the sisters are named Daisy and Rose as well.
Spanish horror film called “El orfanato” (The Orphanage). The woman spent a lot of time calling for her son, “Simón” so now I do too. My son is a cat though.
I cannot recommend that film enough to anyone who’s a fan of horror movies which are more than just a fun spoop.
When he was a tiny stray kitten, he ran under a shed to hide from me. He thought he was safe but his back feet were still sticking out. I grabbed him by his toes and now his name is Toes.
She’s a skittish, posh, and skinny as hell greyhound. We live in Seattle. So…Maris.
I couldn’t think of a name for her when she was a kitten so I just called her Kitty as a placeholder. Then, that became her name. My Kitty.
my grandmas cat was called “Ms Kitty” who was declawed in the front (iirc she came that way)
She would sit on top of my grandmas banister banister and would reach down to smack people’s heads as they walked past.