Oh, so all the agencies and companies will reinstate their DEI programs, right? Right?!
Too busy making lists of people to ship to concentration camps in Guantanamo and Central America. But don’t worry they are just following orders, and 20 years from now they will all see themselves as victims. /S
why the /s at the end? I mean, this looks eerily accurate
Yeah, it’s getting harder and harder to be hyperbolic these days.
Haven’t the agencies already done what he wanted?
They preemptively bent the knee.
he could at least print his orders directly on his boots and make it easier for them to read while licking.
When I hear about his executive orders, I can’t help but picture him dressed as Dolores Umbridge hanging her rules on Hogwarts walls.
If I had any semblance of graphics skills, I’d make a meme out of it.
I always just picture that annoying little kid that everyone knew on the playground. “Nuh uh! I have a mirror vest that deflects laser rounds! And it has a ballistic vest underneath to stop bullets! I have laser guided bullets that found the weak spot in your laser!”