The BOM’s Dean Narramore says as the 11am high tide passes, those near swollen waterways should expect a “surge” of up to 30cm.
He’s also warned the weather system may bring potentially damaging winds with gusts of up to 90kmh from this afternoon - enough to bring down trees and powerlines, particularly given the wet ground.
What is the yellow sign?
Aircraft sign
An airfield is nearby and aircraft may fly over the road at low altitude.
I’m thinking its orientation here might indicate specifically that planes make a descending approach over this road?
Looks like Ingham and Cardwell got badly hit last night. Going to be a touch day in Townsville too. The serewarge system is at capacity and there’s a high tide at midday. They had massive gusts all night apparently too.
Stay safe NQ peeps
The city of Townsville…. is under attack!