Before I was even 13 years old, I was picking berries in the field, before child labor laws that precluded that.
“Back in my day I ate shit so you can too” is never a good argument for anything. That line of thinking just justifies societal regression. We want our children to have it easier, not replicate our same struggles over and over again. Boomer worldviews need to die.
He was 12 in 1980, when minimum wage was $3.10, which looks like about the equivalent of 12 bucks today. Wanna take bets on whether this asshole is for or against a minimum wage increase?
$100 says he’s against minimum wage, now where’s my $100
Yeah someone needs to vomit on this dude. Go eat 30-40 flapjacks at the mcds and just letter rip
This guy is full of shit on that point anyway as farms get a lot of exemptions to child labor laws.
Children should have opportunities to learn work skills. They shouldn’t have to rely on that to eat. Pricks
And before the NLRB, the preferred method of coming to a union understanding was to get a group of like-minded coworkers to convince the boss at the end of a blunt instrument.
Before I was even 13 years old, I was picking berries in the field, before child labor laws that precluded that.
Parents in former USSR countries think like that
He added, “I mean, how many people got their start in fast-food restaurants when they were kids, versus just giving a blanket rule that gives all kids lunches in high school who are capable of going out and actually getting a job and doing something that makes them have value, thinking about their future instead of thinking about how they’re going to sponge out the government when they don’t need to.”
Fucking toddlers sponging off the government.
- Republicans
something that makes them have value
Fucking scum
Really was a telling bit that Republicans think your value is how much you can contribute to your employer.
Exactly why they want us disabled people to just die.
and care to realize that some things aren’t options for everyone. The ones struggling with food insecurity… ain’t the ones with parents that have an easy time finding transportation and ability to get them to work… Not to mention the general fact that if we increase the amount of people hunting the jobs that don’t need education/experience… the openings dry up.
Nevermind that part time jobs after school for kids was always about learning how to work a job and earn some spending money, not fucking feed themselves because the system is broken.
Imagine not wanting to feed hungry children.
Imagine being pro child labour
Well, it does go hand in hand with being anti abortion.
Uh, no, fuck you! MAGA piece of shit.
Cartoon vilain-ass
“Who can actually go out there and do something that makes them have value and work skills for the future?” McCormick said.
Children have no value unless they’re producing something.
- Republicans
Who needs childhood? Buncha spoiled brats not yearning for the mines.
“Why don’t we just enslave the poor?”
We already do
don’t i know it. did you know america ariel bombed workers seeking just payment and a 40 hour work week? because they did. and they did it in the gOlDeN aGe that our president wants to return to
This is prelude to prove they are intelligent enough to understand consent. Watch
“If they can work at McDonalds they can work this McDick!”
- Some GOP congressman, probably depressingly soon.
Republican penises are probably more like McNuggets in size.
Looks for the Onion logo, isn’t finding it
Oh my God he’s serious,.
Peak level of “Not The Onion” headline
His name is Rich, lol
But he’s just a dick
Why? These poor, worthless souls don’t even want to work! Instead, I have A Modest Proposal…
Mine is less modest. Eat McCormick.
Diagnose: capitalism, final stage
Republicans: We’re garbage human beings and let us prove it to you.
Americans: Hey, we should vote these guys in.
Hope everyone’s ready for some dark times.
Ah yes, Republicans only care about the lives of children if its to hurt women. Otherwise they dont care about them at all, im not surprised.
Oh yeah, 8 year old me should have just pulled myself up by my bootstraps back in the day. Jeez, fuck these guys.