its just so crazy that this guy is a presidential candidate especially given his previous presidency. We really need a collection of verifiable trump facts as there are so many. He fondled woman vaginally, he blackmailed a foreign leader, hes been supportive of violent protest if its supportive of him. I mean this is just off the top of my head but I know there is so much more but ironically there is so much it makes it hard to remember it all.
We really need a collection of verifiable trump facts as there are so many.
This is pretty much worthless to anyone that is currently maga. There are no such things as facts that come from outside of their leaders mouth. A sycophant who defends him today, is a “secret liberal” tomorrow if he says something that goes against Trump. They won’t believe anything they don’t want to.
The only people that matter are those “on the fence” that are Republicans but don’t want Trump. If they only stick to fox news though they’ll never get these “facts.” :(
I mean much of it did come out of his mouth.
True, for those instances “he was kidding, stop being dramatic.” Or “he didn’t actually mean that, he meant (whatever makes him not sound crazy)!” :(
which is what is so crazy. its not even about if something is true now. its just, meh, I don’t care.
The only facts these people believe are Alternative Factstm
I wouldn’t worry about convincing the magas or even non-maga Republicans. Non-voters are much bigger issue, but also a bigger potential for reasoning.
I think the biggest issue with them is the apathy that keeps them from voting in the first place. I can’t even convince my own mother or step father to vote at all because “they’re all the same” as far as corruption goes… :(
It’s still a good opening for you to choose any topic important to you or them to talk about.
“both are the same” is mostly used as an excuse for being ignorant. Simply speaking your opinion might be enough for them to show support for you, if they’re supporting parents.
If my child came to me asking me to take a stance in the school board election, I most definitely would, because I don’t give a shit about school board elections.
There are no such things as facts that come from outside of their leaders mouth.
Except when he says stuff that they don’t like, in which case they say “oh, he didn’t really mean it.”
Facts are useless against trumpers. Satirize them. Laugh. Let them hear nothing but a chorus of laughter when they speak. They need to know how many people find them so absurd it borders on humor.
This is what we are dealing with in America. A piece of human waste represents a large portion of America. In fact they worship him.
represents a large portion of America. In fact, they worship him
They literally want to install him as a dictator.
Some of them do. Most of them believe, despite his own statements to the contrary, that he’d never do such a thing.
Yeah but then red hats make their own webpage showing every positive thing during trumps presidency and every negative thing during Biden’s and Obama. Factually verified, multiple sources.
Because their base doesn’t know that correlation isn’t causation.
McSweeny’s has it covered:
I downloaded the pdf. 360 pages taht only goes through 2021.
He has been shown in court to have raped a woman and it makes no difference to his voters. It’s a brainwashing cult. Also, some of them have such twisted ideas of masculinity that they admire a man who rapes.
I think changing fundamentally the way construction works in New York and the US in general to damage the working class is the one that pisses me off the most.
To Trump supporters, this sound like “The deep state doesn’t want Trump to be president”. Messaging like this reinforces their narratives
Can anyone really be so dumb as to see people who Trump himself appointed to office and worked closely with saying “this guy is an evil wannabe dictator” and think “man, those guys are part of the deep state conspiracy to destroy Trump”?
Yes, I have family this deep in the cult
Tbh I’m skeptical that this is a demographic that exists in any meaningful capacity.
I hope I’m wrong on this…
Fuck every last one of them for thinking that growing a conscience now matters. They can all die cold, alone and in disgrace for betraying our country when it really mattered. Them stepping up now is fucking worthless. It’s too late.
trump is cancelling interviews, not doing debates, not talking about policy, because he’s expecting the supreme court to crown him king, which they will, the instant they’re given the chance
the only reason he does rallies is because he’s a fucking toddler who feeds on attention
Then they do that, I hope they’re ready for the outcome. There are going to be a LOT of people who won’t do crap until after the other shoe drops.
It’s really difficult to see this ending without violence. If he loses, his supporters are going to get violent. If he wins via a house vote or SCOTUS, I would expect violence.
I never understood this, what do the Supreme Court justices have to gain if trump becomes dictator.
Do they really think being more wealthy than now but under a dictator is better?
Like, some of them have children right? Wouldn’t you want your kids to grow up in a democracy if the king your electing can turn on you anytime?
You’re not thinking like a fascist.
I and mine will always be safe for together our great nation is strong.
Does it hold up to logic or the slightest scrutiny? No. Does that matter to a fascist? Not even a little bit. Because you see… I and mine will always be safe…
I also warn against voting for a Nazi like Trump.
it’s almost like you should’ve done something when you could and it mattered, you fucking cunts.
no no no, if I say something now, I can’t sell it in a book later, preferably unreasonably close to an election.
Sure, it’s annoying they’re saying this now but I don’t mind it. How much of this is just lip service though and will they still vote Trump? And Trump supporters won’t listen to them anyway. Once you turn on Trump, you’re a traitor to them and they don’t want anything to do with you.
if anything this helps him. we’ve been over this. fearing them doesn’t work. they like being scary. they are fascists, you think liking Hitler is bad for them? they love it. we know it doesn’t work.
“weird” did work. that they can’t handle. I don’t know why dems dropped that and more are back to “ohh they’re so scary”. makes them look strong and dems look weak.
Might be a little late for that
The problem is that he can run again in the following election if he doesn’t die of old age by then. Even then, the seed that was planted will grow into something even worse and someone else, that’s probably more competent, will take his place. And each election at every level will be a continuous fight between good and evil.
Unless every trumpist is accused of treason, you will never, ever, have a chance for an election with more than two parties.
Yeah, but what’s your uncle Jeb and his sister wife think?
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