• Alphane Moon@lemmy.world
    5 hours ago

    This is just one survey you can look multiple other (different provider, different methodologies) and they show the same thing. Bold of you to call me emotional when you’re approach to any and all research (or even history for that matter) is “it’s not valid if it doesn’t show russians in a good light”.

    They are not really Latvian if they support Latvia’s enemies, are they? This is not a complex topic, if you don’t support the country, don’t want to learn the language, don’t care for the culture, then you can’t call the country your home.

    I say many of the people that can be defined as pro-war are not for it because they want to see Ukrainians gone.

    The goal and the outcome of the war and occupation of Ukrainian territories. Preference falsification goes both ways. This is not some sort of secret information; the individuals know full well that Ukrainian are brutally prosecuted in the occupied territories and they support it. That is why they are genocidal imperialists.

    Never denied your ethnic background. I said you are not Ukrainian; not all Ukrainians are ethnically Ukrainian (one example would be Crimean Tartars). You don’t speak Ukrainian, you don’t live in Ukraine, you openly white-wash russian genocidal imperialism, you support settler colonialism in the Baltic nations (literally saying the Latvia must tolerate individuals that openly oppose Latvian statehood and want to turn Latvia into an authoritarian hellhole).

    I brought up victimhood because revanchism and victimhood are defining features of russian culture. It doesn’t have to be that way, but that is the choice russians make. Going back to my previous post, show me one example where a public figure (not Novodvorskaya or Kasprov) admitted that at least some of russia’s trouble are the cause of russians themselves and they need to take responsibility for their actions. Since you claim that victimhood is not a defining element of russian society/culture, this should be easy.

    I am not going to speculate on future developments. One thing I will say is I would never trust any russian who talks about “peace”.

    I believe I explicitly stated that I don’t believe that russians are “inherently imperialist”. I do believe that this a choice that they make and that we should treat them as adults.

    Earlier in this thread someone (was it you?) claimed that russians have no access independent non-state media. I pointed out that this was false and that every russian with a smartphone has had uncensored access to youtube (until this summer) and that major reliable news agencies have had russian language service on YT since ~2010. The point being is that the broad alignment of a strong majority of russian society with state propaganda is a choice! And russians need to take responsibility for it.

    You mentioned helpful. Let me flip this around a bit. How has your approach (“russians are defacto completely innocent and you’re just spreading hate!”) been helpful to your own country?

    What has your “opposition” achieved in the past 15 years? I will note that they have largely maintained a chauvinistic posture - e.g. support the annexation of Crimea. How will everyone (Ukrainians? the west?) being “helpful” (as defined by you) impact anything in Russia?