Just the standard about hurting my feelings online. Don’t they know that gives me gas? It’s a good thing I was on the toilet while reading it, or as the kids say, “Yeeting the kids to the pool, yolo”. So the gas was actually helpful as a propellant. For my butt.
So, to be honest, I did read the article, but it’s still important to hold journalism to professional standards, lest we regress towards the dumb.
What standards is this headline guilty of violating?
It says what the article will be about, which is what headlines are for.
Just the standard about hurting my feelings online. Don’t they know that gives me gas? It’s a good thing I was on the toilet while reading it, or as the kids say, “Yeeting the kids to the pool, yolo”. So the gas was actually helpful as a propellant. For my butt.