Honestly, just WTF is going on with the world today? Achievements in a mobile app for ordering coffee, like this is some sort of weird mobile game you play. Is this what we are looking forward to in our future?

  • dingus@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I’m not Olympian by any means, but this makes me feel a bit better about my running. I’ve never really run before but I have been trying to do it semi consistently since March. For whatever reason, while I’ve been able to run longer and longer distances, I never seem to be able to run much faster. I tried a couple of times the other week and I almost threw up after one of them lol. I think I’m just going to have to accept that I’m a slow runner! I like running at my own comfortable pace better. Idk.

    • Droggelbecher@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Hey we’re pretty similar in regards to running! I started in May. I’m training for a 10k in May of this year.

      I even made the same frustrating experience this week! I ran 8k in 50mins on Monday. Wanted to up my pace yesterday and was so out of breath after 2k that I tasted metal. Felt like I basically had to crawl home after that.

      I googled and apparently if you do want to up your pace, you should try to run faster for only the last 10 mins or so of your run. But don’t overdo it because apparently it’s literally physiologically different within your muscles whether you run fast or far. And the changes training does are different, too: Usain Bolt at his peak wouldn’t have done very well at a marathon.

      But I, for one, am fine training endurance for now. Maybe I’ll try to up my pace at a later point in time!