“This situation causes immense pain to our entire family.”
Case file: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.moed.217171/gov.uscourts.moed.217171.1.0.pdf
“This situation causes immense pain to our entire family.”
Case file: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.moed.217171/gov.uscourts.moed.217171.1.0.pdf
They’re not just saying they don’t know of any abuse. They’re saying she has a history of trying to extort relatives by threatening to make accusations of sexual abuse.
I get that. But it’s also possible that that inspiration came from somewhere. We don’t know one way or another.
The abuse might even be the reason for the mental illness.
Or vice versa. People with mental illness often make for easy victims.
Exactly my point, yes.