Rain world (with the downpour dlc) (incredible game)
Just shapes and beats
Binding of Isaac (pretty sure some dlc is required)
Snipperclips plus
Duck game
A hat in time (I haven’t actually played myself but my friends have)
There’s also:
Battleblock theater
Samurai gunn
Human fall flat
Rocket league
Ultimate chicken horse
Enter the gungeon
Almost any fighting game
You can also still play a lot of old couch co-op games through an emulator or get couch co-op mods for newer games (another commenter mentioned Minecraft). There’s a lot of options.
it takes two was pretty good, also I forgot if portal 2 multiplayer has split screen or not but that would be fun too
edit: you can also mod Minecraft java edition to have split screen and controller support, haven’t personally tried it, but I saw a YouTuber do it lol (iirc bedrock edition has it built in but bedrock requires windows and is worse imo)
edit 2: I forgot ibb and obb. Its good, but was too difficult to play with my (at the time) 10yr sibling. Not sure how it compares with adults.
Also there are almost no good couch coop games, sadly.
Castle Crashers
Untitled Goose Game
Cat Quest
Nine Parchments
Any Lego game
A few of the recent Mario games
Teenage mutant ninja turtles
Mario Kart (yes, switch was our main)
A couple couch co-op games i like personally are:
There’s also:
You can also still play a lot of old couch co-op games through an emulator or get couch co-op mods for newer games (another commenter mentioned Minecraft). There’s a lot of options.
It takes two is great as well!
I was surprised at the sheer quality and variety of this game.
It’s fun to play with either my kid or my wife.
The trine games! The first two are a little dated (while still being very fun) and the third one is pretty bad, but 4 or 5 are accessible and great!
Don’t know about others, but you can barely call Odyssey co-op. Cappy mostly just watches Mario play.
Stardew Valley
Human Fall Flat is pretty fun, funny and irritating to play with someone else
it takes two was pretty good, also I forgot if portal 2 multiplayer has split screen or not but that would be fun too
edit: you can also mod Minecraft java edition to have split screen and controller support, haven’t personally tried it, but I saw a YouTuber do it lol (iirc bedrock edition has it built in but bedrock requires windows and is worse imo)
edit 2: I forgot ibb and obb. Its good, but was too difficult to play with my (at the time) 10yr sibling. Not sure how it compares with adults.
Portal 2 has split screen, at least the PC version
Bedrock could also be played on a console split screen.
I’m bummed that Mario and Luigi brothership isn’t co-op, it’s in the name, TWO people!
There are some other cute switch games that are co-op. Yoshi’s crafted world was fun.
CoOptimus has a pretty good database of what’s out there
It indeed has about 10500 couch co-op games listed of which around 2500 work on PC.
Saying there are none is just plain ignorance.
Ever heard of an obscure little game called Baldurs Gate 3?
Stardew fucking Valley. Spent hundreds of hours with my wife on that game, amazing time!
I dont play a lot of modern games so im basically a normie in terms of gaming but mario kart and smash bros with friends is really fun
Child of Light
Cult of the Lamb
The first Helldivers, Plate Up!
BG3 has couch co-op, which is pretty neat