Theoretically could you use thc butter or would the heat denature it?
Absolutely. My roommate used to do it all the time in college. Called it green eggs.
Just go to your local dispensary and spend $10 for a nice piece of candy.
The way a civilized city should have it.
$20 to get my wife and I high with nice breath (mints) every weekend for a few months. Mind you I do love my dry herb vape for fine tuning my high but yeah it’s so affordable
Breath mints!?!???!!!
it needs to be heated to a certain degree to activate the THC. and i think it’s supposed to go into a lipid
Your correct, that’s why if you wanna make weed food, you just make weed butter and use it where you want.
fry egg in butter
sear steak in butter
butter in coffee
blt w/ bacon cooked in butter, or buttered toast as bread, or both
you could use other lipids like oils as well, or w/e vegan lipid as to not use an animal product, but its super easy to use butter anywhere
endless options
First time I ever ate weed a friend of mine took my birthday nuggs and ground them up and put the weed in a pan with some butter then drained it in to a shot glass with honey and gave it a little nuke to soften everything up. Considering how makeshift it was and the gross little bits of leaf getting caught in your mouth it was surprisingly good, the actual weed component of it made the whole thing taste a little like crunchy nut cereal with an oddly herbaceous element to it. Having seen how you’re supposed to make weed butter properly in the time since, it’s surprising that this worked so well but my god I was high as a kite, it was amazing. Don’t know if, given the pretty brief time spent on heat with the butter, maybe it was necessary to actually eat the weed itself rather than strain it, wouldn’t recommend that if can be avoided but then again this was all ready in under 10 minutes.
It doesn’t need to go into a lipid. You can just put like an eighth of weed into some tinfoil in the oven, bake it and then throw it into a coffee grinder and stir it into chocolate.
Chocolate will get you totally toasted, but your shit will smell like weed the next day.
Cool, yeah, that makes sense. I guess that’s why AVB works too (eating the leftover buds after vaping). Gotta be careful with it though cuz the dosage can really be a wide range.
It doesn’t need to go into a lipid
Gives instructions for putting it in a lipid
Or pour it on your tongue and wash it down with water, up to you. You don’t need anything else, but it’s going to be hard to choke down without mixing it in something.
I just thought it was funny that you claimed that you don’t need to mix weed with fat, then immediately suggested a recipe mixing weed with fat
Trying to eat weed without mixing it with a fat would be not only unpleasant flavor-wise, it would be a huge waste of weed. The compounds in weed that get you high are much more bioavailable when they’re in the presence of fats. So, loosely speaking, you kinda do need to mix it with fat if you’re gonna eat it, unless you’re okay with large amounts of wasted weed and money
Doesn’t it just bind to the fat in the chocolate?
I am wondering about distillates/concentrates, personally. Many of them are edible as is, as they got decarboxylated during extraction using a hot method instead of a cold one. Do they have any fats in them? You don’t need to put them in something with fat; you can put it in tea or just eat the goo by itself (it’s kinda gross but you can do it and get high). I’ve made live resin myself a few times using a hot press, and I did not add anything extra to have decent smokable stuff, but I never tried to eat it and I don’t know if the shit you get at a dispensary in a cart or glass tin is just the pure goo from the plant any nothing else, or if they mix it with stuff.
The overuse of the word shit made me take a second to realise you meant actual shit and you weren’t saying that your oven and house in general will somehow start smelling more weed-like after a 24 hour period post bake.
I’ve never had any success making edibles out of flower. It always comes out too weak, even if I follow the decarb instructions perfectly.
It’s much easier to just mix some distillate into whatever you want to turn into an edible. No cooking needed, just mix in and enjoy. I like to mix in some distillate with Everclear and then water it down with vodka to make it drinkable. Gets you stupid stoned stupid quick.
Shoulda decarbed in butter first
You don’t need to decarb in anything, just heat the bud up and you can eat it. The butter is for extraction.
Heating up is for decarboxylization.
That’s what they said.
I said the goal, they replied with the technique.
They replied pointing out that the butter is unnecessary, the heat is the part that’s needed for decarboxylation
But OP wants to cook it into eggs, and that needs butter anyway.
Yeah exactly. Sometimes I decarb buds and just throw it in pill capsules, no extraction necessary.
Cannabutter is the right answer here
That would solve the problem about not getting high, but cannabutter still tastes pretty bad. That’s why it’s usually hidden in baked goods with stronger flavors like chocolate.
Not really, if you do it properly there is almost 0 taste difference.
After infusing the butter and filtering it through a cheesecloth or coffee filter you have to put it in a pot of boiling water, use at least 5 times more water than cannabutter. Stir it thoroughly for a few minutes, then let it first cool down to room temperature and then put it in the fridge. Since THC is only soluble in fat but not water it will stay inside the butter, but much of the plant material like chlorophyll is water soluble and will get dissolved in the water during this process. In the fridge the butter will solidify on top of the water and you can remove it from the water to have your clarified butter that tastes almost like regular butter
Canna-ghee. Glee, if you will.
I used to put it on toast and sandwiches so, to each their own I guess
Steak is also excellent at hiding the flavour.
Do you use the butter in the pan to cook the meat? I would think that either wastes the product or the steak.
Nar melt some and poor it over the steak. It absorbs it as it rests.
It’s usually used when searing the steak. You add it near the end of the cooking as to not burn the butter. You use it to baste the steak (shovel the melted butter/oil over it to cook it more evenly on both sides).
Mine is delicious, but it’s the only one I’ve ever tasted. Maybe I’m weird, maybe I’m some kind of culinary prodigy.
I could share the recipe I used…
Decarbed with the water bath method:
Then used this recipe:
I used 10g girl scout cookies for 500g butter
I thought it would be too weak but throwing 10g of the cannabutter into my risotto made me fly to Venus for about eight hours and I’m not sure what exactly happened in that time. I visited friends apparently, but I only know because they told me. Hallucinations of sheep everywhere!
Just do this 🤙
Gummies 1. Place 1 cup cannabis in a ball jar with lid finger tight 2. Add 2 cups water to pressure cooker 3. Place interface between glass jar and metal of pressure cooker. 4. Use “Manual” button and set to high pressure for 40 minutes 5. Let pressure naturally release 6. Add 1 cup of fat (coconut oil, butter, avocado oil etc) to jar with cannabis 7. Place back in pressure cooker as before- Manual, high, 40 mins 8. Let pressure naturally release 9. Strain out cannabis. I have used various methods but I believe using a French press (for coffee) is the simplest and cleanest This fat can now be consumed and will get you high Gummies recipe I use refined coconut oil for the extraction for this recipe In a small pot, combine -1/2 cup cold water -2 tablespoons of cannabis infused coconut oil -6 tablespoons regular coconut oil -1/4 teaspoon soy lecithin powder (this is necessary as it allows oil and water to mix; also helps absorption of THC into the body. Heat on LOW heat. Mixture can not boil Slowly add: -3oz (small) pack of jell-o -3 envelopes of Knox gelatin Mix/stir by hand for 10 minutes Pour into mold or nonstick pan and let set in freezer for 20-30 mins Remove from mold, consume, and blast off.
Is the first cook to decarb?
No clue. All i know is that butter will fuck you up
Clearly he was missing the ham.
indeed, the ham is the most important component in green eggs and ham
I just make warm chocolate milk, let the weed stay in there for a bit while heating up, then strain and enjoy. I quite like the grassy undertone in the milk.
Yes my friend made this once and it was the most disgusting thing ever.
Also so strong we’d have a shot and get knocked out.
Could those two be related? We’ll never know.
I thought he was going to feed the herb to the chickens and then gather their thc-infused eggs.
That’s how McDonald’s get more people in again. THC infused Egg McMuffin.
Now I want McDonald’s for breakfast.
Thanks. I don’t have one available on my drive to work so I’m going to be thinking about this all day now.
I hope you’re happy.
For a short shining moment in 2020, McDonald’s was serving breakfast all day. Never forget what covid took from us
Seems most stores that were previously 24 hour have shifted to not being open overnight via the pandemic as well
You guys lost all-day breakfast? We still have it in Canada. Limited menu, but it has most things, the only thing that comes to mind that they don’t serve all day is hash browns
Yeah they stopped when all the covid restrictions hit and never brought it back. It was only around a few months
That list is very, very long.
He does not like them, Sam-I-Am
When he said nug, I thought for sure he was going to make ‘egg nug’.
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