How badly is your body fucked up after however long you’ve been fighting/training?
I haven’t suffered any major injuries yet. I think it’s less the training is hurting it and more my body is just showing signs of age while actively being used. My back might be sore more often due to training, but I feel more comfortable using it than before I started. For reference I started in my early thirties and now I’m in my late thirties. I’m in the best shape of my life post high school (did a lot of sports).
That mostly checks out for me after doing BJJ for a couple years. In much better shape, but have some aches and pains from minor injuries sustained during training.
How many fingers am I holding up?
How can one safely practice it
Go to a decent, respectful school. It really isn’t un safe to practice if you are in the right environment with people who respect you and care about the other people they are training with.
When I do spar in classes everyone is using head guards, mouth guards, knee and shin pads as well as 16oz gloves. You are more likely to injure yourself than get I juries by someone else at a decent school.
How are you preparing to handle the inevitable onset of CTE?
What’s your favorite dinosaur?
My question would be: How’s your sex life?
(after all these drugs)Oh, hi Mark.