If you don’t put small holes in the bubble wrap pasta, you could make a fun kind of pasta that explodes while cooking, sending boiling water everywhere and burning everyone in the kitchen
Alternatively if you can really make the pasta gather an internal sphere of liquid, just cook it in sauce and it could actually be amazing.
I like the bowl one, but in order for it to be the worst it needs to never fit the bowl you’re using. Too wide so it wrinkles and doesn’t sit right, too tall ao the upper edges get cold and dry out.
Some of yall have never had a soup dumpling apparently.
Also my pitch is just a big solid sphere of pasta dough. Good luck cooking or eating that.
“sheet of lasagna noodle” I’m sorry but what did you just call it? I can understand calling spaghetti a noodle, at least it is noodle shaped but lasagna sheets!?
In America, everything is noodles for some reason.
I assume french fries are also a kind of noodle to them
What else would you call it?
Are you serious? “pasta”, “lasagna sheet”, “lasagna”. Literally anything that isn’t a completely different shape. Hell, calling it “lasagna paper” makes more sense than calling it a noodle… Do you yanks have the term “noodle shaped”? If you do how do you grapple with that and calling pasta of completely different shapes “noodles”? Is this a pool noodle in the US? A lasagna sheet is as far as you could possibly get from a noodle when it comes to carbohydrate food items.
One more question because this is honestly baffling to me: Is gnocchi also noodles in the US? How about ravioli? And what about pierogi and other dumplings?
Gnocchi I wouldn’t personally call a noodle but if someone did I wouldn’t call them out on it. Hell, I probably wouldn’t even notice.
Ravioli is definitely a noodle. Not the stuff inside, though.
Pierogi is a similar story to ravioli, even if it feels less "noodle"y to me.
Other dumplings it depends. Chicken & dumplings’ dumplings for example definitely aren’t, as that’s usually leavened (and even when the aren’t they’re still quite bread-like). Bao isn’t for similar reasons. Gyoza if steamed/boiled is again like ravioli, and I’d still describe it that way if pan-fried but only because of it’s resemblance to boiling it.
Point is, the american english definition of noodle, or at least how I use it as an american, is boiled, unleavened dough. When you see americans refer to some food as a noodle it’s more often a textural distinction, not a shape one (even if most would consider noodles to have a canonical shape, which is why the OP feels the need to clarify sheets).
I learn something new about the American dialect everyday. Thanks
Ravioli is definitely a noodle.
A godless folk.