The only answer they should have to provide is “because we wanted to and anyone who has a problem with that can go fuck themselves.”
Because they started building that up in The Witcher 3 nine years ago ?
Short sections where you play as a teenage white girl = not politics Entire game playing as white woman = politics
I like that they call out how layered she is. I really loved her in the books and I’m excited to see how they capture that in the game.
Cause Geralt retired in the dlc duh!
Thought it was a good opportunity to switch to a custom protagonist. Oh well.
That was my hope as well, especially after CP2077.
IDK, honestly. one of my biggest takeaways from cp2077 is it felt like they wanted to do a more guided story in an open world and struggled with the custom character aspect. like how the origins were all basically meaningless after the first 10 minutes.
the frustrating part of cyberpunk was feeling railroaded into a specific character with specific attitudes and ideas. really, they were just doing what they know and what they’re good at creating a character driven narrative based on existing characters. I’m happy to see them go back to that because i think they’re just better at it.
They didn’t had to do the origins, but I think it’s more a result of them generally struggling with the development. The game has shortcomings everywhere, especially in its story. The whole intro with Jackie is just meh and you’re supposed to like him so that it is this big traumatic hit when he dies but I just did not care. Then they introduce this moronic unlikable character of Silverhand which guides you through the whole game in some inconsistent ways, and I could not care less about this asshole, especially since his character started to rub off on V. To think they only did this because Keanu Reeves suggested them that the character should have a bigger role and that the original story apparently looked very different… Not even starting on the last mission which I could not even bother doing because I already knew V finds an end there and you can then only load a previous save to keep playing the open world. So of course, not caring about the story, I did not care about that either.
Obviously I could not be bothered to buy the paid DLC that wasn’t supposed to exist either.
I did like having my own character creation though. I did like having the ability to roam an open world and buy things. But I would’ve preferred a game with less of an idiotic story, hell, drop the story and instead work on more open world content and features instead. Be a little more sandboxy and open ended instead of having me play the hero of my own story.
As for the Witcher… Don’t care. I never got into it. Got through most of the first game but the choices & character drama annoyed me and I could not get into Geralt either. Combat, monsters and story felt blegh so I just dropped it. Could not be arsed to pick it up again.
oh man, to judge the entire Witcher series on the first one is intense. they’re all very very different games. you should try the third one on its own.
it’s like saying you don’t like mmos because you didn’t like classic RuneScape in the 90s. or like saying you don’t like rpgs because text based adventures weren’t your thing. not exactly representative.
Your analogy makes no sense. We’re talking about the same franchise & character here. It’s like jumping into the middle of an ongoing TV show.
So will she be retroactively declared a witcher? Because she never was one.
Wasn’t her becoming a Witcher one of the W3 possible endings?
It was? Huh, wasn’t aware of that. She never came back in my playthroughs. :(
Yeah, there are multiple endings based on arbitrary choices made in the some of the dialogues scattered throughout the game. In the “good” ending, Ciri wins and survives, and Geralt gifts her a silver sword, implying that she becomes a witcher
Its okay, you can say it. Modern identity politics and existing market familiarity.
I mean, it would have been maybe more interesting to me to play as my own character in the Witcher universe, but Ciri is not the worst choice in the world, even if she was an extremely predictable pick for protagonist.
EDIT: “Come to Lemmy, we are way more chill and less hostile than Reddit.” Lol, whoever told me this was obviously lying. It’s exactly the same here, just with more Tankies.
You know that incels have a smell, right?
Sounds like a projection
The smell incels have does project pretty far, yes
Can you describe the smell ?
It’s so easy to pick out the bigots when you say “women can do things too” and they lose their mind and start ranting about “modern identity politics”.
Yes, I am the bigot that usually picks to play as a woman in video games ever since they had the option. How very bigoted of me.
You don’t play female characters because you’re a supporter of strong heroic women and want to embody one. You do it because you want to look at a female character on your screen. This really isn’t the flex you think it is.
Metroid and Alien are two of my favorite franchises, both featuring strong heroic women as the central character, but go off.
Thanks for telling me to just block you, proving that Lemmy is not the place of positivity that it was advertised to me as. Some of you Lemmy users are just as hateful as users somewhere like on t social, gotta love it.
Lemmy is very left-leaning, and you complained about “modern identity politics” from having a female lead in a video game. You shouldn’t be surprised at all.
Read, then post.