I really really don’t understand how people are either so tiny brained or so fkin inconsiderate. Probably this is the wrong community to post this, as my infuriation levels are far from mild.

Like… you look up a tutorial on a specific thing. You see a list of videos describing the very thing that you want in perfect English. You open the video to see that it is in a completely different language (usually Hindi). You then feel like personally going on a mission to assassinate that video creator. /s

Like come on… I understand that English alphabets are more readable to people who speak languages other than English. FINE. I GET IT. But would it be too much to ask to at least put the name of the fkin language that your video is actually in, in the title?

Like… it would so much better for a video title to be “(Hindi) Ranked Retrieval model explained” instead of “Ranked Retrieval model explained” and it turning out to be in Hindi. Like… do these people not think? Or do they not have a brain? Or do they just not care?

I scoured through SO MANY VIDEOS and all of them have this nonsense going on. Like come on…

  • hinterlufer@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Are you speaking of YouTube? YouTube has a “feature” that will auto-translate titles of videos to your account language (the creator may have to enable this, not sure).

    If you google for the issue you’ll find multiple people with the same issue, but afaik there’s not really a proper way to prevent the translation. If you do understand the original language, you can add it to your account languages to stop translation though.