The missing 5th panel would be “I’m tired of this shit. Fuck science and research. I’m going to look for a real job”. And yes, I’m in that 5th panel. Unfortunately.
Perhaps it was implied, by virtue of it being obviously true:-).
“Why do all my job applications come back negative? What the fuck does ‘overqualified’ mean‽”
There are many ways to fail. At this point though, I’m not sure there are any ways left to “succeed”. If I were pressed for advice I’d say for someone to do what they think they would regret the least:-|.
This is the mistake I made. I never found the thing I truly enjoy and so I ended up uneducated and working in a shitty factory… I should have just gone to school for CS (which i had absofucklutly no interest in) with my friend… Now that ship has sailed along with the WebDev stuff another friend is getting paid quite well from…
I never found the thing I enjoy, but I sure as hell worked a lot of jobs I hate.
For anyone reading this that’s still young enough, fuck your passion, chase money. Money buys stability which brings happiness fuck this money doesn’t buy happiness bullshit. Money buys your future.
At my uni I recently met two people in their mid 40s to 50 (eyeballing) who started mechanical engineering this year. It’s never too late.
And a friend who’s studying medicine said a group of people in their 50s started a year ago