GEICO, the second-largest vehicle insurance underwriter in the US, has decided it will no longer cover Tesla Cybertrucks. The company is terminating current Cybertruck policies and says the truck “doesn’t meet our underwriting guidelines.”
GEICO, the second-largest vehicle insurance underwriter in the US, has decided it will no longer cover Tesla Cybertrucks. The company is terminating current Cybertruck policies and says the truck “doesn’t meet our underwriting guidelines.”
Also, there have been no independent crash tests done so no insurance company can accurately assess the risk, so this is wholly unsurprising.
Tesla have allegedly done their own crash tests, but they still have not released the data. It’s kinda what you’d expect when a government-regulation-hating techbro designs a “I got mine fuck you” vehicle.
The cyber truck has no crumble zones. I’d like to see Tesla’s tests.
Cody Johnston did a vid about the Cybertruck on his most recent episode of Some More News. He starts talking about the crash test Tesla did (with video) around the 8:45 mark.
Ahhh, that’s a reason that makes sense. Much better than the article itself. Thanks.
If Geico, and presumably soon others, are angering the chuds by refusing to insure this, independent crash tests definitely occurred and they were not favorable.
You don’t have to be an obnoxious YouTuber to crash a car.
I thought that was the sort of thing that the government mandated companies had to do in a controlled and transparent fashion. I wouldn’t have thought that the NTSB would allow a vehicle to be registered without a thoroughly vetted crash testing procedure.
Apparently “rare” or “limited-release” vehicles don’t get tested. Which means the Cybertruck will probably never get tested 😂