The eyes have it: Men do see things differently to women
The way that the visual centers of men and women’s brains works is different, finds new research published in BioMed Central’s open access journal Biology of Sex Differences. Men have greater sensitivity to fine detail and rapidly moving stimuli, but women are better at discriminating between colors.
All for boob prrocessing
Speak for yourself I’m too busy looking at ass.
Man ass, woman ass, gay ass, straight ass. Idgaf.
Lemme see them cheeks.
it was more about the word in the background
Didn’t even notice at first. Too busy looking at ass.
What about trans men?
They can also process boobs if they’d like to
There have been some pretty interesting accounts of what it’s like to start testosterone. Vivid visual sexual fantasies and the like. Gives a new perspective on what being soaked in testosterone for decades does to your brain.
I’ll see if I can find some when I’m not on mobile.
Their bed nucleus of the stria terminalis should be twice as large as a woman’s, and that’s what guided their gender identities. Not that I’m a biological determinist, just a strict physicalist with no belief in metaphysical choice superceding determinism, but a lot of times the brain’s development has recursive feedback loops such that smaller choices early on can alter the size of brain structures along with sex hormones and the development environment in the womb or even outside of it for a while, the earlier the more significant. All I know is that the size of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis is pretty consistently twice the size in men as it is in women regardless of the gender assigned at birth.
Trans men are assigned female at birth, FYI.
Yep, my point being that a trans man (AFAB) and a cis man (AMAB) both have their bed nucleus of the stria terminalis roughly the same size, twice the size of a woman’s. A woman’s is half the size of a man’s, regardless of whether she’s trans (AMAB) or cis (AFAB). So regardless of what the gender is assigned at birth, the relative size of the bed nucleus predicts the gender that the individual feels most comfortable as.
Has this been proven.
There’s evidence, but I don’t know enough of the science to tell how conclusive it is:
yeah… That’s why they’re trans men?
Thank god, i was worried they might be frogs.
So the ladies can check out the men’s plumage as they perform a dance off.
And most of us absolutely love filling those neurons with images of women
Fine detail and rapidly moving stimuli ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That explains jiggle physics then
Whatever it does, it doesn’t seem to help with colors.
Men have greater sensitivity to fine detail and rapidly moving stimuli, but women are better at discriminating between colors.
Literally under the headline.
My wife (presenting me with three identical carpet samples): “Do you like grey with a hint of blue, grey with a hint of pink or grey with a hint of yellow?”
Me: “Trick question?”
If only some men used those neurons to read
Tldr please.
Brain one way, but other brain other way. Chemical stuff is making brain stuff happen. Makes see different.
TLDR pls.
women are better at discriminating between colors.
Misread this as saying women are better at racism lol.
Woman can be racist to way more shades of skin color than men
I see.
… What? Okay I get all of them except the SNQ one.
“Yes, thank you.”
men have a 50 to 90% bigger genitals. I don’t see anyone talking about that! Also they can eat more because they have 20% more inside space, without fucking uterus and ovaries
I mean, in all fairness I sure do hope I have a bigger penis than my sister.
My Thai girlfriend says penis size doesn’t matter, but I still wish hers wasn’t bigger than mine.
women are better at discriminating between colors.
Well I’m red-green colorblind so I never stood a chance anyway. If it isn’t in a box of 8 crayons/markers, I don’t attempt to use that color’s name generally, cuz I will never pick the right shade. All the fuschias, magentas, maroons, burnt siennas, teals, cyans, etc. of the world can fuck off.
Isn’t colorblindness almost exclusively found in males too?
Probably oversimplifying, but it’s something about the mutation being on the X chromosome, meaning women have a backup X and men don’t.
So when you transition, does this part of the brain get lobotomized?
No, though brain physiology does respond to hormonal shifts.
This doesn’t invalidate trans folks. No one says they are physically completely equal to cis people. It just doesn’t matter.
I must assume this was said in bad faith, if so, stop.
It was a stab at women, actually. No, I don’t regret it.
I have nothing against transatlantic people, nor their accents.
I’ve seen multiple people suggest hunting and get correctly told thats inaccurate
But would war fighting, or just fighting in general what with our aggression n shit help explain it?
The only times I’ve noticed this discrepancy in life are when hunting with women of playing competitive FPS games with my wife watching. I’ll regularly see and react to things they don’t, and are shocked when I shoot the sniper out of the tree on the other side of the map because yes, I did see him and I’m not crazy when I say I see shit flicker gdi
Aliasing also bothers me more than any woman I know, and everyone I know who hates it as much as me is a man
Maybe, and I’m not a biologist or an expert on evolution, so take my uninformed opinion with a big ol’ chunk of salt, but I feel like what you’re describing is more cultural than biological. Like, generally women just play video games (at least online competitive ones where there’s interaction between players, like the ones you’re describing) less than men, because those kinds of video games are sort of a hellhole for women. So in general, their eyes probably aren’t attuned to things like aliasing and digital sniper glints because that’s not something they experience often, not necessarily because their brains aren’t as well equipped to recognize those things.
hunting is just an extension of fighting, sooo…
realistically, i think it’s probably a little more fundamental than hunting or something, and more to do with the fact that men are generally more muscular, stronger, taller, and probably faster as well. So it’s probably just a general evolutionary advantage to benefit those capabilities. For things like hunting, etc.
Could be as simple as humans get so many neurons and need to allocate them across total set of stuff needed for life.
Women need to devote a good % of those to pregnancy mode, while men just have normal mode.
Therefore some functions may have to deal with reduced neuron allocations, because the ‘missing’ ones are required elsewhere.
Obviously a simplification of things, but with only one way of needing to be men optimize to a different configuration with a different allocation of neurons to match.
Anecdotal proof time:
My dad’s truck.
Me, my brother, brothers’ friend and brothers’ friends’ sister, all XY, all see a greenish gray truck.
My mother, sister-in-law, brothers’ friends’ wife, all XX, all see a dark green truck.
Picture or it didn’t happen.
ok so, here’s my theory. The obvious answer here is that this is obviously “for hunting” or something. But evolution doesn’t really work that way.
So my take on this is that this is actually an evolutionary adaptation to the different structure of the male body, as well as it’s general abilities, and how they have been used throughout humanity. If men are generally stronger, taller, and faster runners, wouldn’t it make sense that the visual processing would be adapted to be more responsive to these use cases?
this seems like the only realistic answer to me. Something about men must be different enough, or at the very least, have been used differently enough at some point in time for a long enough period of time, that it has to have been an evolutionary adaptation.
I was thinking it was more to do with dancing, possibly even music. It could even be something really weird.
Usually the way to identify if its about hunting/war or not is to find the exceptions and links: do hunters that perform really, really well have 3x the visual cortex neurons? Is it a socialization thing where doing certain tasks results in higher brain differentiation?
There’s a lot of questions
I was thinking it was more to do with dancing
You’re thinking of Homo Groovensis, the famous hunter dancerers.