“Because in 2024, Ukraine is no longer facing Russia. Soldiers from North Korea are standing in front of Ukraine. Let’s be honest. Already in Ukraine, the Iranian ‘Shahedis’ are killing civilians absolutely openly, without any shame,” said Zaluzhny, adding that North Korean and Chinese weapons are flying into Ukraine. Zaluzhny urged Ukraine’s allies to draw the right conclusions. “It is still possible to stop it here, on the territory of Ukraine. But for some reason our partners do not want to understand this. It is obvious that Ukraine already has too many enemies. Ukraine will survive with technology, but it is not clear whether it can win this battle alone,” he said.

  • Milk_Sheikh@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    There is zero evidence of Ukrainian people enthusiasm for this war

    You failed to retort to my direct challenge of this bullshit, so I’ll do your homework for you:

    In the first days of the application’s operation, more than a million reservists were registered; as of the beginning of July 2024, more than 2 million people had been registered in ‘Reserve+’.

    Hardly “zero enthusiasm” eh?

    Liberation of Crimea and Donbas a direct consequence of that provocation

    those powers should have liberated an ethnic minority being abused by an evil scourge.

    If Russia actually gave a shit about Russophones/ethnic Russians they installed in Crimea/Donbass, they should have repatriated them in to Russia under Russian protection. Not start a border crisis in 2014 or a full scale invasion that has culled the ‘DPRK’ or ‘LPRK’ population and callously thrown them into the battlefield for Muscovy’s territorial gains.

    Even more so, if the evil is being done purely by puppets wishing to diminish Russia by provoking war through the evil.

    Oh noes, poor poor puny Russia feels hurt because their Slav brothers former slave colonies rejected your yoke and domination! We’re vewy vewy sowwy we upset you, here’s more sanctions. Enjoy being friends with the hermit kingdom and Iran, what a group of nations to link up with.

    Ukraine’s nazi collaboration extermination camp past to take power and implement their hate

    Ukraine historical grievances towards the country that granted it freedom

    “Granted” lol More like the USSR was so corrupted and rotten it couldn’t hold onto the fringes of its imperial abolitions, and Gorbachev had to finally be the grown up Premier and realize the truth; The Baltics hate you, the USSR satellites hate you, the west distrusts you, China is picking you apart for economic gain, and your neo-colonial adventures in MENA are showing your true face to the global south.

    Ukraine post their 1991 liberation was relatively harmonious.  As obviously as Canada should be respectful and close to US, Ukraine should be to Russia.

    Harmony does not mean subservience and domination. Canada frequently tells the US to get bent, and I dont see US troops annexing a land bridge to Alaska or ‘protecting Quebecois minority rights’ by invading. Part or respecting others, is respecting the or autonomy and decisions.

    When you glorify manufacturing/amplifying hate and divisiveness as the best rulership of a country, you demonically immorally wish that country or its neighbours diminished and destroyed.

    So a Ukrainian national identity is antithesis with Russia existing? Or is it more that Russia refuse a to let Ukraine exist independently? 🤔

    500 rubles a have been added to your account, well done vatnik. You sure showed us that you aren’t posting unhinged screeds about ‘Russia has the RIGHT to dominate them’ or ‘we were ruthlessly provoked in to attacking, its your fault’ or ‘we deserve a buffer zone, fuck their self determination’.

    Nobody is talking about ending Russia, outside of letting Putin keep on bleeding it dry from within. That talk gets saved for Iran by the neocon hawks, dumb as that is.

    • humanspiral@lemmy.ca
      4 months ago

      If Russia actually gave a shit about Russophones/ethnic Russians they installed in Crimea/Donbass, they should have repatriated them in to Russia under Russian protection.

      Crimeans have the right to not be ruled by nazis that hate them, and to keep their land. Crimea was a gift to Ukraine by Kruchev in late 50s. It doesn’t really have a Ukrainian identity. 98% referendum in favour of joining Russia actually matches CIA stooge polls of the population.

      So a Ukrainian national identity is antithesis with Russia existing? Or is it more that Russia refuse a to let Ukraine exist independently?

      Simply, where “national identity” = WW2 nazi leaders getting national holidays, and imposing apartheid on ethnic Russians, that “aritificially US transformed national identity” is choosing a hateful, unproductive, poking of a bear that is equally smart to all others who have poked a bear for purely whimsical stupidity. Russia’s peace terms/red lines have always involved a Ukraine existing independently.

      • Milk_Sheikh@lemm.ee
        4 months ago

        Crimeans have the right to not be ruled by nazis that hate them, and to keep their land. Crimea was a gift to Ukraine by Kruchev in late 50s. It doesn’t really have a Ukrainian identity

        Yes it is majority Russophile/Russian population today, but if you actually care about humanism, you’re not going to like the reason why… it’s another case of the Russian state committing genocide against a minority people who dared assert cultural independence. It was never Khrushchev’s to ‘gift’ after Stalin ravaged the population for geopolitical reasons. It should be for the actual ethnic Crimean, Tartars, etc to decide, not for Russia to cynically abuse as a causus belli for a land grab.

        Simply, where “national identity” = WW2 nazi leaders getting national holidays, and imposing apartheid on ethnic Russians, that “aritificially US transformed national identity” is choosing a hateful, unproductive, poking of a bear that is equally smart to all others who have poked a bear for purely whimsical stupidity. Russia’s peace terms/red lines have always involved a Ukraine existing independently.

        Funny. Because what you claim Russia wanted, existed. And as recently as 1997 signed agreements of mutual peace, affirmed borders (including then semi-autonomous Crimea as part of Ukraine), and confirmed equal rights for all.

        Russia cannot seriously claim other nation states as a required ‘neutral buffer’ whilst they themselves seek a return to empire. If the anxiety is truly about foreign invasion, then why wasn’t the border fortified AT ALL before? Finland and Sweden respected that request for neutrality for decades - and Russia proved that political norms, memorandums of understanding, and treaties were worthless - NATO membership is the best bet of territorial integrity against Russia.

        If they weren’t doing it to themselves and lashing out against the whole world it might be funny. Instead there’s hundreds of thousands dead, even more wounded and maimed, millions displaced, and the world harmony thrown away - because one former KGB clown refuses to step off his gilded throne atop the carrion.

        • humanspiral@lemmy.ca
          4 months ago

          It was never Khrushchev’s to ‘gift’ after Stalin ravaged the population for geopolitical reasons.

          Ukraine was more loud mouth whiny bitches over “holomodor” than genuine victims relative to other USSR members. Western nazification of Ukraine started with UN manipulation to celebrate their non-victimization, and reinforce “Stalin bad” narrative. Stalin, during a global famine had to make decision on how to deal with extortionists.


          Opening up a history book in order to find more people/ghosts who should share your hate, to start a discussion on reparations, has to be viewed cynically as intentionally divisive rather than productive. Tartars where in the apartheid outgroup of US nazification 2014 coup.

          signed agreements of mutual peace, affirmed borders (including then semi-autonomous Crimea as part of Ukraine), and confirmed equal rights for all.

          Exactly. Changing that path required political interference for nazification motivated by ever more distant history.

          Russia cannot seriously claim other nation states as a required ‘neutral buffer’ whilst they themselves seek a return to empire. If the anxiety is truly about foreign invasion, then why wasn’t the border fortified AT ALL before? Finland and Sweden respected that request for neutrality for decades - and Russia proved that political norms, memorandums of understanding, and treaties were worthless - NATO membership is the best bet of territorial integrity against Russia.

          What you project as Russia’s past is the US present. It is only extreme corruption for colonial subservience that explains anchoring to a declining empire in order to become its sacrificial pawn and dependence on Empire’s demonic evil. Humanizing the US, and its hypocritical rules based world order (ICC inclusive), brings US threats to annihilate their allies dependent upon them, when enthusiasm for their genocidal operations is lacking. The US led nazification of Ukraine was always an intentional plan to suicide the nation.

          Absolutely, Russia should understand the reality of US evil and demonism, and defend accordingly.

          • Milk_Sheikh@lemm.ee
            4 months ago

            You’re on tankie bingo speed run - genocide denial, USSR was always right, anything I don’t like is CIA/Nazis, everything is active measures/color revolutions not populist uprising, cynical claims to defend human rights whilst promoting pan-nationalism, aneurism world salad posed as coherent thought, and the classic ‘great evil’ line parroted.

            Enjoy your block I’m done attempting a dialogue with you; you’ve dodged basic questions and cherry picked, refuted basic provable facts, and through this brought ZERO citation for any of your bullshit. Not everyone 100% buys the Nord explosion narrative or that there are 0 ultranationalists/neo-nazis in Ukraine, but goddamn you have either swallowed the Kremlin line wholeheartedly or are a sock puppet troll.