“It’s not like the government is forcing you to buy a car!”
If you live in a city with parking minimums, yes they fucking are.
“It’s not like the government is forcing you to buy a car!”
If you live in a city with parking minimums, yes they fucking are.
If your “urban fabric” can’t support access to the public, it doesn’t deserve to survive.
Do you see the people walking in the top left picture?
That’s what access to the public looks like.
ah, so access to the public leaves out people with disabilities.
not much different than today’s reality, but at least you’re open about it.
People with disabilities can’t use sidewalks?
If someone is so disabled that they can’t go out in a wheelchair how are they going out in a car?
last i checked mobility scooters exist
More people exist who cannot drive than who have to drive due to disability. Car-centric infrastructure is incredibly ableist.
Car centric infrastructure is less accessible though.
Americans have a hard time getting through the culturally ingrained car propaganda.
For some of us American’s we’re trapped in it and it seems like it’ll never go away no matter how much we hate it.
I’m someone who lives in a very rural area because I can’t afford to live in a city… so I need a car. Somehow, a mortgage and sharing a car with my husband is still more affordable than living in a walkable/bikable city in my state. That’s a problem. I don’t know how to fix it, but that’s a freaking problem. Rent in some areas is double my mortgage on my small house. People who rent are getting royally fucked over by ever increasing prices.
If we want people to have less cars then cities need to be affordable for people to live in. It shouldn’t cost more to not have a car. The US has so many backwards problems it starts to feel insurmountable.
Yeah. It takes some real mental gymnastics to think that getting rid of parking minimums, getting rid of a harmful government regulation, increasing freedom, is a bad thing.