How do you manage the distribution of internal TLS network certificates? I’m using cert-manager to generate them, but the root self-signed certificate expires monthly which makes distribution to devices outside of K8s a challenge. It’s a PITA to keep doing this for the tablet, laptop and phones. I can bump the root cert to a year, but I’m concerned that the date will sneak up on me. Are there any automated solutions?

    3 days ago

    MONTHLY?? That’s a bit much, don’t you think?

    If you’re regenerating certa that fast, I can’t think of anything that’s going to secure AND easy enough to satisfy automating this.

    Whatever tool you want to use to secure the contents of the cert from its initial creation, to distribution, is fine enough. If you want super easy, use an SSH/SCP script. If you want something more elegant, think Hashicorp Vault or etcd.

    Ansible is probably more effort than it’s worth (plus securing the secrets of the cert), and any other config mgmt tool won’t deal with the distribution portion simply, so I’d skip all of that.