• davel@lemmy.ml
      6 months ago

      Everything isn’t capitalism, but fascism is always funded by the capitalist class. In fact it can’t get far without it. Fascism doesn’t just randomly sprout out of the ground; it’s not as organic & grassroots as most people think. Fascism is always a false revolution, because the capitalist class always remains in power. It’s what the capitalist class falls back on when liberal democracy starts to fail them. It’s when the capitalist class goes mask off. That’s what Lenin meant by “fascism is capitalism in decay.” Michael Parenti: Rational Fascism

      How did January 6 happen? With a whole bunch of funding from rich motherfuckers.

      The Nation: Trumpism: It’s Coming From the Suburbs

      But scapegoating poor whites keeps the conversation away from fascism’s real base: the petite bourgeoisie. This is a piece of jargon used mostly by Marxists to denote small-property owners, whose nearest equivalents these days may be the “upper middle class” or “small-business owners.” […] Trump’s real base, the actual backbone of fascism, isn’t poor and working-class voters, but middle-class and affluent whites. Often self-employed, possessed of a retirement account and a home as a nest egg, this is the stratum taken in by Horatio Alger stories. They can envision playing the market well enough to become the next Trump. They haven’t won “big-league,” but they’ve won enough to be invested in the hierarchy they aspire to climb. If only America were made great again, they could become the haute 
bourgeoisie—the storied “1 percent.”