It’s completely wild that people drink cow hormone juice and then think that soy is affecting their hormones.
See, what his coworkers did was good bullying. Anon learned something and also wasn’t fired for whatever skeevy pseudosexual thing he was implying about his coworker, probably over politics. Winning hearts and minds, people.
If you let your boss bully you into explaining what a soyboy is, you are in fact a soyboy
It’s phytoestrogen, dummy Anon.
Omg do they really believe that?
There are people who do.
The really funny thing about this is OP is egregiously wrong.
Soy doesn’t contain estrogen, it contains phytoestrogen, which not only doesn’t produce any estrogen-like side-effect, but actively prevents our bodies from taking and producing estrogenic hormones.
This is all very ironic, considering drinking
excessivecows milkleeches calcium out of our bones andexposes us to a smorgasbord of hormones not designed for humans.Soy is shit tier anyway, oat milk all the way.