At least half of men don’t wash their hands before leaving a public restroom. Literally everything is covered in dick stuff. Source: 30+ years of using public restrooms as a male.

    11 hours ago

    I guess we are going to have to disagree. The writing style and, as I perceived it, motivations within the text were clearly not of the Western tradition. It’s true, in lending the benefit of doubt, I may have enjoyed it more precisely because I disregarded standard writing mores, tropes, and conventions because it was a translated work.

    I’m curious: Did you also try Murakami’s 1Q84? I found that I had to suspend expectations there in much the same manner.

    I think I’d agree with you wrt. short species lifespans after developing telecommunications, space flight, and highly concentrated energy sources. The leap in capacity for attendant social distortion — and extortion — has brought us to the brink of global destruction many times since Signal Hill in 1901. The Kardashev Scale comes to mind here. The leap from about Type 0.73, ostensibly where we are now, to Type 1.0 is fraught.

    As for the communications we have sent, the early ones were low-power and, over a distance of 100 ly, would significantly degrade against background EM radiation. At a range of 50 ly, where our first, more powerful and higher fidelity digital transmissions have reached, there are relatively few star systems — about 1300 (source). This source uses data from 1991, so there may be more, but not many, that are magnitude 6.5 or brighter.

      9 hours ago

      1Q84: never ran across it, but from the wikipedia article:

      novel’s excessive repetition, clichéd writing, clumsy styling and unyielding plot.

      Which is pretty much where I was with TBP, so I can’t imagine I’ll rush out to read this.

      Regarding translation:

      I’ve read other chinese authors translated by the likes of Ken Liu and I see nothing like that, enjoy them well enough, before and after reading TBP. So the usual “your closed western mind can’t conceive of the Chinese style” argument kinda pisses me off when I get it back in discussions of these books. But I’m used to that reaction, so I don’t take it personally anymore.

      Yah, I was thinking of the attenuation issue there, and not to mention that eventually the powerful transmissions go away in order to use low-power, high-bandwidth satellite bouncing instead of blaring away at 1kW to communicate. I imagine we’re already much quieter than we were 20 years ago.