But but but teenagers may have sex! We can’t have that! /s
Reducing Abortions is SOCIALISM! Unless we KILL the Mothers first then it’s FREEDOM!
Over here in the states we’re trying to make it harder to access these thing. Makes sense I guess if you have your head screwed on backwards.
Need to keep the idiot stock high to ensure the future for America.
Religion is a powerful bitch.
Finland is at 1.4 total fertility rate. Replacement rate is about 2.3.
Are you trying to say that unwanted teen pregnancies are the answer to population decline?
Not at all, but it’s interesting data that is relevant when discussing reproductive matters
It isn’t relevant unless you’re trying to suggest countries should boost fertility rates with unwanted teen pregnancies.
What are you concluding from the data you are posting?
All countries should be slowly reducing their population if we are to have any hope of surviving long-term.
That seems to happen naturally as most countries progress. As infant mortality decreases, and as nutrition and education improves, people seem to have fewer children.