The perception among young people that vapes are harmless largely stems from their easy accessibility and appealing marketing, as highlighted by the study. This misconception overlooks the fact that vaping still poses health risks, such as nicotine addiction and respiratory issues. Products like the designed for adult smokers transitioning from traditional cigarettes, underscore the need for responsible marketing and stricter regulations to prevent misuse by younger audiences. Addressing this issue requires education and policies that emphasize the potential dangers of vaping, regardless of its convenience or perceived safety.
Get this guardian crap out of here.
Doesn’t Austalia have a zero tolerance campain against cigararettes? Could vape be the only alternative for some people?
Sounds reasonable and not a Daily Mail link. 47 up/27 down. Thought I read Big Nic was diversifying into addictive foods beyond nicotine.
That makes no sense. You buy cigarettes the same way you buy a vape. This is click bait.
Not just clickbait, either. Straight up lies.
They cite their own article, INCORRECTLY I might add, to say “nicotine free vapes aren’t nicotine free”.
I mean, if this is the scientific standard people listen to nowadays, I have some bridges that need selling. scientifically