We first caught wind of this, I mean, years back and turns out to be several hobbyists in Europe that like to collect American cars and repaint them, refinish them with police and law enforcement style finishes on there," Gandhi said. “And, luckily, we’ve become pretty popular in a few countries.”
Everyone needs a hobby.
Why Sacramento though? I would have thought LA county, or Yolo county.
My first guess is that they probably Google what the capital of California is since California is “cool,” and instead of Los Angeles they get Sacramento.
Yeah very weird. They mention LAPD and NYPD being popular, which makes sense, but I don’t know how they got set on Sacramento. Maybe the image resources were just easy accessible online so it was easy?
Cheaper to license
When asked for comment, the driver of the vehicle responded, “I’m gonna get that summbitch if it’s the last thing I eva’ do.”
You sound a lot taller on the radio.
Thank you, I got that reference.
Did the driver also happen to be a French police man chasing a man who stole a loaf of bread?
I misread this as “Portland” and didn’t immediately think it was weird at first. Oh no that’s very different.
And the Sheriffs office not being dicks about it is a refreshing change of pace.
What can they do about it? They know their jurisdiction doesn’t extend to Europe. May as well have some fun with it.
Just because they can’t do anything to stop it doesn’t mean they can’t get all huffy about it. That is what I’d expect out of a lot of agencies, tbh.
Huh, I never would have imagined that. What a quirky hobby. How fun!
Wait until you hear about the Chinese police fans who do up their cars to look like People’s Police vehicles and drive them around cities in Europe and North America with large Chinese expatriate populations, apparently just for fun.
Right? How fun! That guy has a nazi armband! So cool!
Are you calling Chinese police similar to Nazis….? I’ve never had a bad interaction with one and they’re certainly not fascists
Kindly fuck off, Comrade.
Found the liberal who can’t read history…
Edit: What’s with so much toxicity. This should be left at reddit… You reply with history and get cursed at.
That’s a fairly complex topic. The big take away is that the Chinese government isn’t exactly loved by a lot of people.
It’s a joke. Look at the username.
Edit: saw the reply, doesn’t look like a joke now
It’s fine if you don’t know history.
A lot of westerners, sure. The vast majority of Chinese would disagree since they’re 1-2 generations away from poverty. Depending on the city most grandparents have zero education, parent may have gone to middle school, then current gen has shot for the stars. Chinese government can be unfair, but no one can argue they didn’t make everyone’s lives materially better
This is what happens when you don’t pay your tickets kids, the sheriff hunts you down