Windows fixed the reason I tried Linux (untimely forced updates). The reason for forcing was valid, but they did drag their feet on resolving when it was updated (which is finally resolved).

People hate the ‘new start menu’, but I can start typing just about anything I want to adjust and go right to the settings without having to remember the structure for getting there.

Dynamic tiling has come about and improved both natively with PowerTools, and third party (Komorebi).

The interface has been beautified with centered taskbar icons, rounded corners, and new materials like Mica and Smoke for transparency effects.

Widgets provide a personalized feed of news, weather, traffic, sports, and stock market data.

Users can organize, and open windows more efficiently with Snap layouts and Snap groups.

Game performance is improved by Direct Storage allowing games to load data directly to the GPU, reducing load times.

The 24H2 update employs rewritten core platform code in Rust, enhancing speed and reduces memory bugs.

Phone Link shows battery level, connectivity status, and recent messages in the Start Menu. It also allows easy transfer of files (integrating with File Explorer), texting from PC.

Live Captions for audio and video content, making it more accessible.

Support for Wi-Fi 7, offering faster and more reliable wireless connections.

Energy Saver Mode to extend battery on mobile devices.

Improved context buttons, support for TAR and 7z compression, and the ability to edit PNG metadata.

    1 day ago

    Just ignore things like the advertisements slowly encroaching on every aspect of the OS, and Microsoft pushing privacy ignoring features like Recall.

    I understand that not everyone cares about those things, but I’ll choose slightly reduced gaming performance and a less sleek but still fully functional user interface over Recall and forced advertisements every day.

    • madthumbs@lemmy.worldOPM
      24 hours ago

      That’s fair. I look forward to Recall someday and choose Windows for software and hardware compatibility and simply freeing up a lot of time. Even if I went back to using Linux, I’d still keep Windows around because it has literally saved hardware from the trash.

        22 hours ago

        Windows “literally saved hardware from the trash” but windows 11 forcing people to upgrade to computers with a TPM?

        Does not compute.

        • madthumbs@lemmy.worldOPM
          21 hours ago

          Had Linux crash while a portable drive was attached. When mounting that drive in Linux, Linux would freeze. Windows detected the problem and fixed it before mounting. Any normie that abandoned Windows may have just trashed the drive since it was obviously damaging the PC to try to run it.

          ‘Chinese cloned’ Bluetooth chips are an issue for Linux. They’ll work when you plug them in, but then just stop after reboot. -Again normies that were convinced that Linux is awesome would probably discard the drive.

          Then there’s the very real potential to destroy hardware which Linux has done. - Mainboards, displays, and optical drives.

          TPM2 is a security measure that protects from rootkits, bootkits (Linux had one of these recently), and keyloggers ensuring Windows keeps a decent reputation (they’re a business). If you switch to Linux for older hardware and choose one of the server based distros, you’re going to be running old insecure software anyway. -May as well use an older version of Windows and keep sensitive stuff off it (banking can be done from phone).

            19 hours ago

            Had Linux crash while a portable drive was attached. When mounting that drive in Linux, Linux would freeze.

            Having used Linux for data recovery from failing hard drives for ~7 years, I find this hard to believe. I’ve recovered data from hard drives on Linux that Windows refused to enumerate with a drive letter, which tends to be a prerequisite for almost all commercial data recovery software.

            ‘Chinese cloned’ Bluetooth chips are an issue for Linux.

            Dodgy hardware is dodgy? Say it ain’t so!

            Then there’s the very real potential to destroy hardware which Linux has done. - Mainboards, displays, and optical drives.

            This I just flatly don’t believe. Do you have any citations, or am I supposed to just take your word for it?

            TPM2 is a security measure that protects from rootkits, bootkits (Linux had one of these recently), and keyloggers

            Tell me you know nothing about what TPM actually is without just telling me you don’t know.

            The TPM isn’t some magical piece of hardware that makes Windows safer, it’s a device that can store cryptographic keys to ensure software run is signed by a trusted source.

            Short term, the TPM can prevent malicious software from running; but if a user can be tricked into running malicious software to install a bootkit, they can just as easily be tricked into running malicious software that installs a key into the TPM that was used to sign said malicious software, thus allowing it to run on a system with a TPM.

            Don’t get me wrong, Linux isn’t perfect by any means. It’s a community project, and it has its own peculiarities and issues. But I find them much easier to handle than fighting an operating system that I have to pay money for, that still looks for ways to further monetize me. I’ve been using Linux fulltime for almost 8 years now, and I find Linux’s strangeness much easier to handle and work with than Windows’ uncompromising enshittification.

            • madthumbs@lemmy.worldOPM
              18 hours ago

              Your first reply isn’t even an anecdote. You’re simply doubting what I experienced and the experience is validated (source: CoPilot):

              It’s possible, but not guaranteed. If an HDD was mounted during a crash, it might have been mounted in read-only mode to prevent further data corruption. When you try to mount it again, Linux might detect existing errors and mount it in read-only mode again, or it might crash if the file system is severely corrupted1.

              To safely mount the HDD, you can follow these steps:

              Unmount the Drive: If it’s currently mounted, unmount it using the umount command.

              Check and Repair the Filesystem: Use the fsck command to check and repair the filesystem. For example, sudo fsck /dev/sdX (replace /dev/sdX with your actual device identifier).

              Remount the Drive: After repairing any issues, remount the drive.

              Dodgy hardware is dodgy? Say it ain’t so!

              $5 usb Bluetooth working fine in Windows. -Maybe Linux is simply racist? They are blocking Russian contributions.

              This I just flatly don’t believe. Do you have any citations, or am I supposed to just take your word for it?

              Currently stickied on r/linuxsucks with sources for the first two claims. The third was in the installation manual for RedHat which I no longer have access to or can find sources for. -Somewhere it’s documented.

              The TPM isn’t some magical piece of hardware that makes Windows safer, it’s a device that can store cryptographic keys to ensure software run is signed by a trusted source.

              Yeah, ok. That hardware is better defense than a software solution and is backed by legit professionals.

              Doubting Thomas

                18 hours ago

                Your first reply isn’t even an anecdote. You’re simply doubting what I experienced and the experience is validated (source: CoPilot):

                I’m not doubting that Windows could repair a drive that Linux couldn’t. Linux filesystem repair tools for proprietary filesystems like NTFS and ExFAT aren’t very good because they’re reverse engineered.

                What I doubt is that connecting an external HDD with filesystem errors would cause a Linux system to hang. I’ve connected countless drives in various stages of failure without ever having one hang the whole system.

                $5 usb Bluetooth working fine in Windows. -Maybe Linux is simply racist?

                The Chinese manufacturer only makes drivers for their cheap knockoff hardware for Windows. The vast majority of people’s complaints about Linux can be solely attributed to lack of commercial support. Just look at how much has changed about Linux gaming since Valve started investing time and money into WINE/Proton.

                It’s not realistic to expect the community to develop flawless drivers for all the cheap hardware you’ll find. Even if we assumed that all the hardware was fully documented (which it almost never is), there aren’t enough people volunteering their time to actually write the code. When you add in the time required to reverse-engineer it, it gets even worse.

                This I just flatly don’t believe. Do you have any citations, or am I supposed to just take your word for it?

                Currently stickied on r/linuxsucks with sources for the first two claims. The third was in the installation manual for RedHat which I no longer have access to or can find sources for. -Somewhere it’s documented.

                …So that’s a no?

                Yeah, ok. That hardware is better defense than a software solution and is backed by legit professionals.

                I don’t disagree that the TPM is a fantastic hardware solution for cryptographic key storage. I’m just not under the mistaken impression that it automagically makes Windows safer just by existing. If you knew anything at all about how it actually works, you’d see that it’s not some panacea for malicious software. Assuming a user doesn’t just click [Next>] whenever a software prompt appears, it can help safeguard a machine from invisible infections. But the vast majority of software infections come from software masquerading as legit and tricking the user into installing it.

                There’s nothing stopping a malicious actor from creating a program that tricks a user into installing a malicious key into the TPM and allowing that malicious software to run in the same trusted manner as the Windows bootloader would. Thus achieving the same rootkit/bootkit infections that are currently possible on non-TPM machines.

                • madthumbs@lemmy.worldOPM
                  12 hours ago

                  The Chinese manufacturer only makes drivers for their cheap knockoff hardware for Windows.

                  I was able to resolve the issue by writing a script to reboot the specific USB it was connected to. If I as an end-user can produce a working solution; there is a MAJOR problem with Linux.

                  So that’s a no?

                  Sure, if you’re willfully ignorant. The sources validating Linux destroying hardware are linked and documented. Denial is common from Linux advocates who seem to not GAF about end-users and their needs.

                16 hours ago

                Currently stickied on r/linuxsucks with sources for the first two claims.

                For shits and giggles, I decided to dig up the links, and you’re not going to believe how this isn’t the flex you think it is.

                First off, the claim is that “Linux” is what causes the damage.

                From your first link, that running sudo rm -rf / can brick a motherboard isn’t a Linux only problem. From the very article you cite as a source, it says:

                […]with about 20 lines of code on Windows, you can cause the same havoc.

                This isn’t a Linux issue, it’s an issue with how UEFI is implemented.

                The second claim is damaging a display. The article cites a link to a Phoronix post about an Intel engineer admitting that Intel made the mistake in their driver, and rolled back the update shortly thereafter. This only affected people who ran bleeding edge distributions.

                A botched driver on Windows would be capable of the same problems. Cloudstrike ringing any bells?

                I’ll also say I find it rather telling that you’re the sole moderator and sole poster both here, and in /c/linuxsucks. Seems like a troll has found a bridge and is interested in picking fights.

                • madthumbs@lemmy.worldOPM
                  13 hours ago

                  20 lines of code you’re going to compare to a single line of code that is commonly published and couldn’t have happened by a simple typo or a common single line of code -seriously? Windows users are far less likely to do that shit anyway. Windows in all ways makes it far more difficult to fuck up shit! (but Linux allows me to fuck shit up!) - It’s not a fucking benefit!

                  “Bleeding Edge Distributions” - Almost no one is running ‘bleeding edge’. Arch is cutting edge, not ‘bleeding edge’. It’s funny that even their own webpage has refered to it as ‘bleeding edge’ when it is clearly not.

                  This only affected people who ran bleeding edge distributions.

                  I’m sure you don’t know that ‘bleeding ege’ means. Cutting ege is the only version of Linux I’d recommend for desktop. Old sever based distros are insecure because ‘old packages’ (out-dated)

                  A botched driver on Windows would be capable of the same problems. Cloudstrike ringing any bells?

                  Cloud strike affected almost 0 desktop users and was entirely Cloud Strike’s fault. -Did you think you were dealing with an idiot?

                  I’ll also say I find it rather telling that you’re the sole moderator and sole poster both here, and in /c/linuxsucks. Seems like a troll has found a bridge and is interested in picking fights.

                  I allow stupid responses here (like yours). You have a voice here. -Not my fault if you don’t appreciate, respect it or actually utilize it.