Sounds like the nyt cherry picked some influencers to reinforce an opinion that may not be widely shared: that a viable strategy is to give up and do useless politics.
The article vaguely criticizes other movements without giving alternatives.
Yawn. There is only one “approach”
Cloning an army of Luigis?
That’s definitely one was to put it.
This seems to be a rare individual who would not have done such except for his own misfortune with his back.
If I learned anything from this, is that most people cannot do any real changes either for health or environment. It has reinforced my cynicism
That’s only really true if you’re trying to make a huge change to society on your own. It takes being organized and working with others, as a group, to make the change happen.
It takes being organized and working with others, as a group, to make the change happen.
This seems to be broken in many areas if the world thanks to how much technology has changed, as well as two generations of social upheaval and mass migrations.
Nobody knows how to do this right now, the best that can be done is a day or two of activity in the larger metro areas.
I think people will find their way, but not this year
Archived unblocked link: https://archive.is/GorT5
It’s already a gift link. People won’t hit the paywall unless at least one of the following is true:
- You’ve disabled Javascript
- You’re running a browser extension which chops off the access token from the URL
- Your device desperately needs a reboot
Thanks for all these gift links btw, it helps a lot of people