• aesthelete@lemmy.world
    1 day ago

    You came up with some stupid list of bull crap and want to discuss that instead of the actual topic because you’ve lost the argument.

    You lost the argument in the general case: it is generally far easier to make something worse than improve upon it.

    And you lost the argument in the specific case: it is more difficult to reunite children with their parents than separate families, and it is extremely more difficult to do so when you don’t know who to reunite them with.

    • WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
      1 day ago

      Yes - it’s harder to reunite kids with their parents than it is to separate them - I’m not arguing that - I’m saying that not every bad thing the GOP does is an act of destruction - like the creation of the executive orders Biden destroyed, like the creation of the policies that led to the separation of those children from their parents. Destroying bad policy or bad EOs isn’t inherently harder than creating them - repairing the damage they do is the hard part, but you don’t get to do that until you fix the bad policy/EO. This is the part where the Democrats have made some progress, are world better than the GOP, but remain a disappointment.

      You’re boiling down everything that the GOP does to destruction, and that simply isn’t the case as I’ve already demonstrated. As long as you insist on ramming those square pegs into such an over-simplistic round hole view of the world, discarding any clear, but inconvenient fact, you’ll fail to understand the world, and any conclusions you draw will continue to be utterly worthless.

      Now I’ll stand aside and make room for you to stupidly/dishonestly pretend that destroying bad EOs (which is exactly as easy as creating them) is “bull crap”, and that I’ve said the GOP creating bad things is somehow good because you imagine creating things is inherently good, and only something the Democrats do.

      Fuck me - I’m honestly ashamed to share a political tent with such a moron, but better you than the Nazis, I suppose.

      • aesthelete@lemmy.world
        17 hours ago

        I’m saying that not every bad thing the GOP does is an act of destruction - like the creation of the executive orders Biden destroyed

        The simple act of “creating an executive order” isn’t an act of creation / improvement in any sense except for perhaps the most literal and pedantic sense.

        Of course it’s as possible to repeal executive orders as it was to issue them in the first place, the point is that much of the damage was already done and some of it is permanent.

        Fuck me - I’m honestly ashamed to share a political tent with such a moron, but better you than the Nazis, I suppose.

        Like we share tents…you’re probably one of the “Genocide Joe” morons.

        • WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
          12 hours ago

          Yeah - OK, you’re operating under your own definition of creation that happens to align with whatever is convenient for your narrative. I’ll stick with the dictionary, thanks.

          From the outset, my primary concern has been the legislation and EOs that do the damage - our “representatives” enact them, and they do the damage. You need to start with the rollbacks of the things doing the damage before you fix the damage. This isn’t complex.

          I’m opposed to genocide - I sure as hell hope you agree with that - I’m also vote blue no matter who as long as the alternative is spewing openly Nazi rhetoric like a unified Reich and immigrants polluting the blood of the nation.

          • aesthelete@lemmy.world
            11 hours ago

            I’m sure Biden kept some of Trump’s policies in place, but he didn’t keep in place “take all the kids, break up every family” and then send out his henchmen to go on TV and say “whomp, whomp” when questioned about it.

            There are actual situations happening pertaining to immigration that the administration has to handle.

            Despite the right-wing bullshit, “the Biden-Harris administration” 🙄 is definitely not an “open borders” administration. I would argue that “open borders” policies are not particularly tenable in the first place.

            Keeping in place some policies Trump laid out some of the time does not prevent an administration from having a better stance overall on immigration, nor does it prevent them from at least trying to clean up some of the damage.

            In other words, no, you don’t have to repeal every single Trump policy in a public EO signing ceremony as a first order of business in order to fix anything.

            • WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
              11 hours ago

              I’m glad you seem to agree with what I’ve been saying from the outset, but have been too caught up in linguistic revisionism to notice - scroll up.

              Standard Democrat fare - they’ll perpetuate the worst of the GOP nonsense, fix some of it, and generally be less terrible. Also see: Gitmo.

              …but as long as the alternative is the GOP, who will make everything far worse far faster (to the point that they’re likely to end the moribund US democracy next term), you need to get out and vote for them up and down the ballot.

              • aesthelete@lemmy.world
                10 hours ago

                Reminder of when and why I “entered the chat”:

                It seems the GOP can make things plenty worse in a hell of a hurry, but when it comes to righting the wrongs, it’s all too hard.

                The point – that you’ve largely conceded above but had to do some kind of interpretive dance first – is that “righting the wrongs” is often harder than making things worse is in a great many circumstances and that’s why they’re able to do it so quickly.

                It’s not “all too hard” sarcastically like you seemed to be implying. It’s “all too hard” sincerely and in reality.