I know staying up past bedtime is illegal but I did it once to check and fortnite was in fact off 😔

Truly terrible news

  • Aeao@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    I love that part of the internet.

    Kinda like “guy code”

    “Was said he was with you last night”

    "Yep, all night. Cleaned the spark plugs in my car and drained the blinker fluid. Couldn’t have done it without him "

    But instead it’s “parent code”

    “Yeah fortnight is closed. They close it so everyone can get a good night’s sleep and be ready for the morning!”

    I was going to tell a personal story about telling my son McDonald’s was closed when I was broke or in a hurry but it reminded me of another cute store.

    My son broke his arm in a McDonald’s once. Hyper extended his elbow. Got a couple pins.

    Anyway a year or so later they completely remodeled that McDonald’s.

    We drove by the demolished building during the remodel and my son shouted “that’s what you get for breaking my arm! Who’s broken now!”

    Adorable vengeance served adorably cold.